
My Blue Dragon (Camilla X Mreader)

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dragonslayerman6's avatar

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AN: I recently read a Camilla X Male Reader, looked her up and yup. Found my new Waifu. Anyway, I plan on making two with Camilla, but this one came into mind first.

But disclaimer, I have never played Fire Emblem, so I know nothing other then what I read on the wiki.

About you: You are a blue dragon, meaning that water and ice are your specialty, as well as magic. But you are one of the last, and you aen;t super wise like the others. By that, I mean while you are old in years, in mind set and possibly body (Human wise) you are still very young. And it seems you cannot control your breath sometimes.

This is your dragon form.…

(Third Person, Kingdom of Nohr)
All throughout Nohr, reports of a dragon is terrorizing villages and towns, coating them in a layer of ice. Thing is, this dragon would be gone before anyone could react. Whether these were meant a hit ‘n run or not is anyone guess, but the king of Nohr will not let a dragon terrorize this land.

He sent out several men to discover where the dragon could be hiding. After several weeks, the location of the beast was found, and they assaulted the beast. He escaped, but from what reports say, the dragon is hurt.

While many want this beast dead, Camilla came up with the idea of possibly taming the beast. People say it is a foolish idea, that controlling a dragon is harder than a Wyvern. But she won’t be swayed from her idea, for she knows it will work.

Thus, leading to what is happening right now. Camilla is high above on her Wyvern, while her brother and sister, Xander and Azura rode below on horse, coming along to make sure their sister would be alright on her mission.

Camilla smiled as she flew overhead, finding the where about of the mighty beast, when she spot several broken trees and blood on them. Landing as her siblings rode up, she notices the clearing towards a lake. She got off and walked, Azura and Xander following behind.

“Look, I know you are set on this, but please realize how…..crazy this seems.” Azura said.
“I know, and I don’t care. If we pass up this chance, one may never come again.” Camilla said, set in her ways.
“Give up Azura, Camilla will do this, whether we are here or not.” Xander said as they arrived.

Everyone scanned the area, until spotting it. The dragon. It laid in the water, it’s blue scales almost hiding its decent sized frame. Blood stained the blue scales from the arrows sticking out of its hide. Camilla looked at the beast, both in wonder, and sadness. Seeing this beautiful creature hurt like this, it hurt her.

“I thought dragons would be much larger.” Xander asked.
“Because this isn’t an adult, this is a…..child almost.” Camilla said and began walking over to the dragon.

She came around to the front of the dragon, being near his head. Its eyes were closed, breathing normal as one would think. Camilla took a step forward, but ended up snapping a twig. The dragon’s eyes open, its large (EC) eyes looking at her. But these weren’t eyes of hate, they held fear. Camilla smiled softly.

“Do not fear, I wish to help you.” She put her axe down and walked forward a bit. The dragon scooted back a bit, but winced at the pain. “Please, stay still, you are hurt, and I wish to help you.” She said, a motherly tone in her voice as she approached. The dragon stayed still, still looking at her.

Camilla smiled as she finally got close enough and placed a hand on the creature’s snout. It seemed to calm a bit as Camilla walked around it and towards it back. She approached the first arrow. “This will hurt, please be still.” She said. The dragon nodded and closed it eyes. Camilla yanked the arrow out and it sounded like the dragon was holding in a scream.

“Shh, shh, it’s okay, I am sorry this happened to such a beautiful creature.” She said. The dragon turned its head to look at her and she smiled at it. After another few minutes of yanking arrows out of it, finally they were all out. Camilla was now petting the dragon.

“There, you were very brave.” She said and the dragon purred a bit. Azura and Xander walked over and the dragon looked at them Seeing their weapons, the dragon’s tail moved a bit. “Put away your weapons, you are making him nervous.” Camilla said and they looked at each other, before putting their weapons on the ground.

“So, is he….tamed?” Xander asked.
“No, I would not say this is tamed. He just trust me.” Camilla said.
“So, then that means he won’t attack anymore.” Azura asked.
“If I am correct, he is a blue dragon, don’t they have magic or something?” Xander asked.
“DO you have magic?” Camilla asked looking at it.

The dragon lifted its head and nodded, before getting up and walking onto shore. It turned around and held up its hand, a blue circle forming in its hand as it glows a bright blue. Everyone covered their eyes and when it ended, they went wide eyed at the sight.

The once large dragon was gone, and standing there was a boy, around Elise’s age. He was a bit taller than her, but still looked as young. He had blue wings, a tail, and horns coming out of his head. He had (HC) haired, (EC) eyes that still held their slit pupils. He had blue scales on his cheeks, and some running up his arms. Finally, he wore a blue tunic, black pants, and no shoes.

“Amazing.” Camilla said as she walked forward. The boy looked at her still nervous, but before he could move, Camilla grabbed him in a hug. “Don’t worry, no one will hurt you ever again.” She said and patted the boy’s head. “Do you have a name?”

“M-m-my p-parents called m-me, (F-FN).” (FN) said, in a quiet voice.
“And where are your parents?”
“D-dead.” He said.
Camilla looked down at the boy, seeing a tear flow down his eyes. She knelt down a bit and wiped his tears. “Do not cry. You are no longer alone.”
“I-I’m not?”
“No, you will stay with me and my family. Would you like that?” Camilla asked him.

(FN) nodded and Camilla smiled. “Good, then come, let’s head to your new home.” Camilla said. She held out her hand and (FN) took it walking back to the Wyvern with her siblings.

(Time skip, few weeks later)
Camilla watched as (FN) was talking with Elise. It has been a few weeks since (FN) came to live with them. At first, he was nervous, never really leaving Camilla’s side, but now, he has opened a bit. He still hung around Camilla, but talked to the others.

And to help him adapt more, all of Camilla’s family welcomed (FN) as if he was another brother. Camilla smiled as (FN) was trying hold off Elise from grabbing his tail. Camilla giggled as it ended up with (FN), now trying to get Elise out of ice.

She walked over and finally they got her out. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to freeze her.” (FN) said.
“Don’t worry, Elisa knew it was a bad idea and kept going. So, she deserved it.” Camilla said to him.

(FN) nodded, understanding what she said. Camilla looked outside and saw it was now night time. Camilla smiled. “Well, it is getting late. Come.” Camilla said and (FN) nodded following her. (FN) didn’t have his own room, instead, he slept with Camilla in her room.

Camilla opened the door and (FN) walked in. He went into the bathroom that was there, and came out changed in his nightwear. Camilla took her turn, and once she had change, both got into bed. (FN) curled up and nuzzled against Camilla. She smiled and petted (FN) for a bit as he feel asleep.

“Good night, my little dragon~” She said and kissed his for head.

Camilla sat on the wall of the castle as she looked at the soldiers trained below. Xander was making sure they were being properly trained, when a shadow flew overhead. Camilla brightened more as she watched the large blue dragon flew overhead and quickly transformed before landing before her. Over the years, (FN) had grown a bit.

His body was more built and dragon parts larger. Now, he looked almost like a adult, but still quite young. Camilla smiled as she walked over and hugged (FN). He hugged back and wrapped his tail around her.
© 2017 - 2024 dragonslayerman6
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LordOfOnions's avatar
This so darn wholesome man! great work!